Register for our no cost virtual workshop, and learn how anyone can join the thousands of people who are making the move to internet-based business ownership!

Sarah Hammond

I needed to find a way to make an additional source of income without impacting on the time I have to spend with my family. Time is one of the most precious commodities we have and when the kids are small, we only get one chance. I found this business which has delivered on an amazing community, nil impact on my time with the kids and a way to increase my family budget.

Register for our no-cost virtual workshop, and learn how anyone can join the thousands of people who are making the move to internet-based business ownership!

How to find the right products for your business

How to use automation in your business

What is an affiliate network, and should you use them

What is a sales funnel, and why is it so important

What You Will Learn From This Workshop:


I was working as a sales associate and in maternity leave when saw this business. Because of this I didn’t have to go back to work and I’m able to stay home to take care my 2 boys.


Chris and Karen

This has allowed us to retire early, spend our days together, and enjoy quality time with our kids and new granddaughter!


With two master's degree, I worked in the corporate world as an underpaid employee and missed out on our kids milestones in their schools. I just wanted a plan B. But in less than 15 months I quit my full-time job and my husband stopped his 2 other jobs. Now we are more relaxed, spend more time with our kids, help family back in Africa.

Register For This Workshop

Thousands of people around the world have used this same workshop to create a better future for themselves and their family.

*As with any business, results will vary and cannot be guaranteed.

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